Asbestos cancer – witness turns victim to same disease that killed his mate

Corries have won £200,000 in an asbestos cancer claim for a retired gas fitter who was a witness for a friend who suffered the same disease.

Corries are leading asbestos disease lawyers.  No one works harder to get you the justice you deserve.  Call us now on 0800 083 7839 or fill in our information box to speak to a lawyer.

Asbestos cancer claim- the facts

In 2014 we were approached by Mr S who had been diagnosed with the asbestos cancer MESOTHELIOMA. He had worked as a gas fitter for the Southern Gas Board and during his work had been exposed to asbestos.

During the course of his claim we spoke with and got statements from various people including a Mr K.

We settled Mr S’s case for over £200,000.

Asbestos cancer claim -The next chapter

Sadly this was not the end of the story.  The witness Mr K approached our firm in 2018. He had been given the same diagnosis of mesothelioma.  He recalled our previous discussions when he had been a witness and wanted Corries to pick up the claim. 

In the time since settling Mr S’s claim the liabilities transferred from one company to another.  Hopes for an early and straightforward claim were hampered.

Nonetheless with strong evidence we got together witness statements and medical evidence and were able to value and put the case quickly to the same defendant solicitors.

As the case did not move as quickly as we thought it should we had to issue court documents in a special asbestos court at the Royal Courts of Justice in London.

After the lodging of a defence it became clear the defendants had no true defence and quickly made an offer of £200,000 plus costs to settle the case.

Settled and Done

Mr K discussed the case and wanted to accept the offer. He has got the peace of mind knowing his case was sorted out and he and his family can make provision for the future.

Asbestos cancer claim – some practical points

It is an all too common story that a person gives a statement or help to an old workmates claim and then falls victim to asbestos disease themselves.

Solidarity and sticking together and sharing information is enormously helpful. 

There is no reason nor logic as to why some people are affected by asbestos disease and others are not.

If you are ever asked by a Solicitor to help someone and provide a statement then keep a copy somewhere safe – or if you cannot copy it then ask the solicitor for a copy.


Specialist Solicitor and Manager of Corries Asbestos team Howard Bonnett adds

“ Mr K’s case is a salutary lesson for us all. First of all he sees an old friend dies. He is then on notice that it could happen to him. And then the worst of news arrives and he knows he will share the same fate.

Whilst the path of Mr K’s case was a little more bumpy than we had hoped we got a great result which has given him great comfort. Having trodden the path before we could press on safe in the knowledge we would win and the defendants had no wriggle room and had to open sensible negotiations straightaway.

We are not sure how much longer Mr K will survive.  He has got his compensation and told me he is taking comfort from the fact that he’s got the chance to put his affairs in order before he eventually dies.”

Corries are leading asbestos lawyers in the UK. We have unrivalled experience in dealing with asbestos disease claims.  If you know someone affected by asbestos then call us now or fill in the information box. Our lawyers are happy to talk to you on a FREE no obligation basis and to see if we can help you make a claim.

The number – FREEPHONE 080 783 7839