Asbestos Cancer & Women -Good news on the horizon?

Asbestos cancer in women is increasing not only in the UK but abroad too. We consider those affected and how an upcoming appeal in UK courts might turn the tide in their favour.

Mesothelioma is a cancer of the lining of the lung. it can develop when a person breathes in asbestos in life. There is no cure. Life expectancy is typically one year or less from diagnosis.

The increasing number of women affected by fatal asbestos disease in the UK is also found in other countries.

Asbestos Cancer in Women – Australian experience – “The Third wave”

An Australian article has reported on the affect of what they describe as the “third wave” of asbestos victims. This refers to the increasing numbers of mesothelioma victims who are female.

Typically exposure occurs in jobs such as office or retail workers. There are an increasing number of wives and daughters of workmen contaminated with asbestos dust and fibres.

The article highlighting the problem is here

The UK Asbestos Cancer in Women Epidemic

A recent article by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) produced figures for deaths by mesothelioma

The number of women affected by asbestos disease and, in particular, asbestos cancer mesothelioma is on the rise. That is a simple fact. About 1 in 6 mesothelioma victims are female.

There are no indications that this pattern will decline, at least for the next few years. Many thousands more women will be affected by asbestos cancer.

asbestos cancer women

Asbestos cancer in women claims made be made easier if the Court of Appeal right this wrong

The UK Asbestos Claims – is there change on the horizon?

Claims for women affected by asbestos cancer are often difficult. Employers argue that the date of knowledge of the dangers of asbestos is 1965 or beyond. They then argue that modest levels of exposure to asbestos were not in breach of HSE rules at the time. Many cases fail or have to be withdrawn.

However – there may be light on the horizon. A trial this year of BUSSEY about low level and “early” exposure to asbestos for a deceased asbestos cancer victim failed. However the Court of Appeal have given the case an expedited appeal. It is hoped that it will be heard this year.

Corries Director,Solicitor and Head of Asbestos team Howard Bonnett commented

“The news of an expedited appeal on BUSSEY is a welcome boost. I hope that the Court of Appeal realise and see how unfair current law is. This applies to most asbestos victims and even more so for female victims.

if the Court of Appeal gets this right then the position for current and future female mesothelioma victims could be much improved. In my opinion no victim of asbestos disease should go without compensation”

If you have been diagnosed with asbestos disease in the last 3 years then call our team NOW. We can give you initial FREE impartial advice. Our umber is 0800 7837839.