Asbestos claim – Corries help determined widow secure compensation.
Asbestos claim specialists Corries Solicitors have won compensation for mesothelioma where an insurer denied providing insurance cover.
The Background
Our client, Mr C, worked as an electrician. He worked on the tools from 1964 to 1979 and was exposed to asbestos in rewiring work. He was diagnosed with asbestos cancer mesothelioma in September 2015 and died in February 2016.
His employers dissolved in 2002. The usual insurance searches all came back negative. The claim prospects at common law looked bleak.
However, Mr C’s widow traced the insurance agent who handled the insurance arrangements for the dissolved company. She tracked him down and Corries took statements from him. He confirmed that he placed insurance through what was then the Yorkshire Insurance Company. This company was taken over by Aviva and the claim was presented to them.
Despite significant arguments the case was settled in excess of 80% of its true value.

The asbestos claim was made under an old policy
Howard Bonnett, Director commented
“ It is very easy to cherry pick the cases that our skills help to win. In this case however my client proved very determined. She found the insurance agent and established that he placed employers liability insurance for the company. Armed with this evidence I was in a much stronger position to negotiate the case.
Mrs C is absolutely delighted with the result. She and I have been particularly pleased that together we have fought and won this claim.
This case shows that making a claim for compensation is a team effort. Whilst we bring our specialist skills to a claim the input of a determined and helpful Claimant can be invaluable”
If you or a family member of been affected by asbestos disease in the last three years then call our Freephone number 0800 083 7839 to see if we can help you