Asbestos Mesothelioma Family Claim win
Corries Solicitors Ltd have helped win compensation for the family of the victim of the deadly asbestos cancer Mesothelioma.
The Issues
Our client Mr K, is the brother and executor of his brothers estate. His late brother was diagnosed with Mesothelioma in 2012. He died from the condition in March 2014.
Our firm was not approached until a year after the victim died. During his lifetime the late Mr K had given careful thought to where he had been exposed to asbestos. He made claims for various benefits. In those claims he set out details of his exposure to asbestos. He was exposed whilst working in a laboratory for a chemical company in Manchester. He described asbestos exposure from mats fraying and other heat processes.
What we did

Asbestos victims are often surprised by their diagnosis
We traced the insurers for his previous employers. Corries staff took statements from his family about the discussions he had in life about his asbestos exposure.
We then lodged the claim with the evidence. We also gathered information about his various losses and other expenses.
The case was discussed and settled in a settlement meeting with the defendants insurers agent.
Howard Bonnett, Director and Manager of Corries Asbestos Specialist Team commented
“This was an interesting claim brought by a family member.
Of particular concern was the perceived low exposure to asbestos which comes from laboratory work. However were we were able to set out clearly the exposure information in lifetime. We persuaded the defendants to meet us and settle the claim.
This case sets out how important it is for someone with asbestos disease to talk to their family about it. They should let them know about exposure. As the late Mr K could not help us with his claim it fell to his family to stand in his shoes. They did so remarkably well.
He is greatly missed and the compensation claim is something they have secured in his memory and with his blessing
All too often families think that because someone has died before making then the claim dies with them. This is not always the case.
If you or a family member of been affected by asbestos disease feel that there may be potential claim to investigate then contact Corries Specialist Asbestos Team on (0800) 083 7839