Mesothelioma Compensation and Competing Causes Of Death
Mesothelioma Compensation and Competing Causes of Death
Howard Bonnett of Corries Solicitors reports on an unusual case on which he secured Mesothelioma compensation for a victim’s family.
The Claimant, who was 60 years old, developed Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML). His life expectancy was expected to be a matter of a few months. A month after this diagnosis Mesothelioma was found and diagnosed. It was considered by his treating doctors to be a minor condition in light of his AML.
Corries were instructed by the family to investigate a potential claim. We made an urgent home visit to fully and properly confirm the Claimants work history. We found two Defendants responsible for the exposure to Asbestos. Medical evidence was very quickly organised. The doctor found it very difficult to separate the symptoms caused by the AML and the Mesothelioma. After careful and forensic analysis of the medical records and the Claimants symptoms Corries were able to put together a valuation of the case. This was put forward to the Defendants and the case settled to the family’s agreement.

Howard Bonnett Director and Manager of Corries Asbestos team
Howard Bonnett, Director and Solicitor at Corries explained
“This case shows the difficulties of dealing with fatal disease claims. At first it was very difficult to be able to prove any symptoms at all. It was only through careful review of the medical records and choice of our medical experts and presentation of this to the Defendants that I was able to achieve a good settlement. Unfortunately this settlement was achieved after my Client died as his health declined far quicker than anticipated. He was assured during his lifetime that the case would win and he took great comfort from this.
Defendant insurers and their solicitors are increasingly challenging the rights of asbestos victims. This case highlights the need to ensure that a specialist Solicitor deals with your asbestos claim.
If you or a family member have been affected by asbestos disease call our dedicated team now on Freephone 0800 083 7839.