Pleural plaques to mesothelioma in less than 12 months – a stark warning
Asbestos pleural plaques victims can go on to suffer the asbestos cancer mesothelioma. Read our true story of how Corries pleural plaque register helped an asbestos cancer victim secure six figure compensation in less than 6 months.

Pleural plaques will haunt thousands who worked in dockyards who may go on to get asbestos cancers
Pleural Plaques case facts
Our client, Mr C was told in October 2016 that he had pleural plaques. In response to our advert in January 2017 he joined Corries pleural plaque register. We took his details and made sure that his work history was properly recorded.
In July 2017 Mr C was told that he got mesothelioma. He contacted us immediately.
Because we had his information on our register we got to work straight away. He had been exposed to asbestos as an apprentice and then qualified shipwright at the Portsmouth naval dockyard.
Rather than wait to send out work information Corries team went to visit him and his family at his home. We gathered the documents and information we needed. We got a medical specialist to produce a report to support his claim.As a 70 year old he was going to lose many years of life due to this cancer.
Because we acted quickly we were able to put the case to the defendants by November 2017. As a result by December 2017 an offer that was acceptable was made and was accepted in January 2018.
Corries pleural plaque register
This sad case has shown the importance of our register for asbestos victims in England and Wales.
The register keeps your details so that if you are told you have asbestos disease then we can act for much more quickly and robustly.
Mesothelioma Comment
Howard Bonnett, Director and Solicitor who conducted the claim commented
“ Mr C’s story is a common one and adds to the sad legacy in Portsmouth of former naval yard workers. Given the wide use of asbestos in the past it can happen to anyone.
Because Mr C was on our pleural plaque register we had the leg work done. We cold use our contacts and experience to get the MOD to quickly admit negligence.
Mr C has received a significant six-figure settlement. Whilst we cannot make his health any better he can at least enjoy the remainder of his life knowing that he can put his affairs in order and can look after his loved ones. He has secured benefits which will help and add to his monies.
There are many thousands more asbestos victims who will be diagnosed this year and into the future. Not all will be sorted out as quickly or as well as Mr C. However at least with our register we can act quickly for those who need our help at the worst of times”
Corries pleural plaque register is FREE. We hope that you never need us. We are here if you do.
Call our friendly and helpful team NOW on 0800 083 7839.